1. Wd My Passport Ultra For Mac 3tb External Hard Pl
  2. Western Digital Passport For Mac

I had the same problem - going the usual Disk Utilty route didn't work for me. So, I opened the My Passport icon that pops up on your desktop and there were a number of folders, one being My Passport for Mac. You open that and download the app in that folder. Save it to your Applications (or wherever) and find 'WD Drive Utilities' A window pops up with Diagnostics, Sleep Timer, Drive Erase and Registration. You click Drive Erase, choose the format (exFAT) and hit 'Erase Drive' Done-zo. This worked for me. My new WD My Passport Ultra 2TB drive was giving me many problems.

I originally tried to reformat it with two partitions using Apple's Disk Utility. I had all sorts of problems and the instructions that came with the drive seemed to suggest that the drive would not support multiple partitions. So I reformatted it with a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) partition using Apple's Disk Utility.

It seemed to work okay. I only use this drive for backups and only connect it to my MacBook Pro (early 2013) running OS 10.8.5 once every day or two. I decided to use this new external drive for Time Machine backups only.

How to install/use Wester Digital my Passport for mac and pc windows, Western Digital 100gb 200gb 300gb 400gb 500gb 1tb, 2tb, 3tb, 4tb, 5tb, 6tb 7tb 8tb 9b 1. Jan 19, 2015  hi all, just purchased a WD 2TB My Passport Ultra. I am running mac book pro 10.6.8 mac os x. Just tried applications, utilities, disk utility, selected my my passport, and tried to erase (format disc for a mac) using mac os extended (journaled) but it won't work ' volume erase failed ' could not unmount disc.

Embed video html. Hi, i have a macbook pro (2018) wit macOS 10.13.6 and the most recent Office for Mac installed with Office 365 enabled. I want to embed a youtube video in powerpoint, however, when I go to Insert -> Media -> Video there is no option for me to select online video.

Then I discovered that every day I plugged it into the computer the backup would start but not complete. After trying many things I used Apple's disk utility to verify and repair the drive. It found various problems but was unable to correct them so I was required to reformat the drive and start from scratch with Time Machine. After the third time doing this Disk Utility couldn't even repair the disk anymore because it 'Could not dismount the disk'. I was ready to declare the disk defective when I found your post. I then used the WD Drive Utilities.app furnished with the drive. It was able to reformat the drive with HFS+J format.

Since then the drive has been working great for several days now. The strange thing is that now when I use the WD disk utility to test/verify the disk it fails the tests but gives me no feedback as to why. When I use the Apple disk utility to 'verify' the disk it passes all the tests. I have the WD My Passport Ultra 1TB and basically having the same problem, but now the disk icon won't even show on my desktop. It will only show in disk utility. In disk utility when verifying, in red it says 'Incorrect number of thread records' and 'The volume was found corrupt and needs to be repaired'. When trying to repair it says 'Error: Disk Utility can't repair this disk.

Back up.format the disk and restore your backed-up files'. I tried to reformat, eject, erase, restore using disk utility but says I need to make sure that all applications and files are closed on the disk. Closed and shutdown everything and still won't work. Have a feeling this is time machine related. Adobe flash player for mac os sierra.

To TheWoman & Dan562, I went through a variety of issues and symptoms as I noted above along with several other very strange problems. I started to believe the drive had platters that were failing in a way that just kept causing different symptoms. Then I stopped using Apples disk utility on this drive. I used the WD disk utility app that is included when you purchase the disk. Microsoft office 2010 professional for mac. I used the WD utility to reformat the drive to HFS+J format and so far, after several days and instances of using it to back up using Time Machine, I've had NO further problems or unusual behavior.

Wd My Passport Ultra For Mac 3tb External Hard Pl


Western Digital Passport For Mac

TheWoman, I'm not an expert on this but I'm just trying to relay my experience. What I did was completely erase/reformat my drive with the WD utility and then just start using it as a Time Machine backup drive. Since doing that it has worked perfectly. I've been using Apples exclusively since 1984 and I've used Apple's disk utility on a variety of drives over the years but I've never encountered anything like this.