Excel for Office 365 Excel 2019 Excel 2016 Excel 2013 Excel 2010 What versions of Excel include the Get & Transform (Power Query) experience? Excel 2016 The Get & Transform (Power Query) experience is available in all Excel 2016 plans on the Data tab under the Get & Transform section. It is available with basic and advanced features depending on your version. Basic business analytics features • Available with any or Office 2016. • Import data from private files, databases and websites: • CSV & Text, Table/Range, Excel workbook, XML, JSON, Folder, Access, SQL Server, Web, OData feed, Analysis Services, Facebook, ODBC, OLEDB, and Microsoft Query. Advanced business analytics features • Available with, Office 2016 Professional, Office 2016 Professional Plus, and Excel 2016 standalone.


Initially, I developed and used it in Excel 2013, then I have switched to Mac and have since used it in Excel for Mac 2011. Now, I have installed Excel for Mac 2016 and all of a sudden, the macro doesn't work anymore.

• In addition to basic business analytics features, you can also import data from corporate, big-data, and cloud data sources. • Databases: • Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Teradata, and SAP Hana. • Azure: • Azure SQL Server, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure HDInsight (HDFS), Azure Blob Storage, Azure Table, and Azure Data Lake Store. • Other sources: • SharePoint, Active Directory, Hadoop, Exchange, Dynamics CRM, and Salesforce. • Data Catalog: • Data Catalog Search • My Data Catalog Queries Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 Power Query is a free add-in that can be downloaded here: Once enabled, Power Query functionality is available from the Power Query tab on the ribbon. The best photo editing software for macbook pro Excel 2011 and Excel 2016 for Mac Get & Transform (Power Query) is not supported on the Mac. Excel for Android, iOS and Online Get & Transform (Power Query) is not supported on these platforms.

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I have used Excel for 25 years; Office and Excel for Mac for 8 years. With the increased need for real-time/relevant data, I decided to replace the old 'copy/paste' HTML data with a more efficient process and turned to YouTube videos to learn how whereupon I am met with the first challenge. When I click 'from HTML data' button in Excel, instead of a dialogue box with a field for the destination URL, I am forced to 'connect a cloud service or sharepoint location to my account'.

Shouldn't there be an option to connect to website or destination URL? The second issue derives from using the 'Rank' function with the 'countif' function to uniquely rank a set of data (no ties). For data in cells A1 to A10, the standard formula is: rank(A1,$A$1:$A$10,0)+Countif($A$1:A1,A1)+1 As seen in screenshots, the same formula uniquely ranks two cells both with the value of $0.2 but fails to create unique ranks for two cells both with value $3.2. On a side note, often times using the copy/paste method, I end up with numbers stored as text or other data that Microsoft Excel cannot convert to a number using any of the standard methods: - Copy, paste special, Add 0 to an array - Copy, paste special, Multiply by 1 - use formula '=substitute([any cell reference],char(160),char(32)) which should replace HTML space with standard space or - use formula '=substitute([any cell reference],char(160),') which should replace HTML space [char(160)] with nothing Are there other ways of overcoming these character and formatting issues? Are there ways to avoid them at all in the future? So far, my experience has been that it is only slightly more inefficient to hand tab all of the data vs the lengthy process of deconstructing the myriad issues posed by the conversion process. I am happy to be wrong in this assessment or to learn any new method that makes the conversion from HTML or any other program language to Excel for Mac useful.