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Support Frequently Asked Questions General Questions What do the options do? Selecting 'Start Fraps minimized' will hide the Fraps dialog screen when you launch the program. Fraps can still be accessed through the icon in the system tray. Selecting 'Fraps window always on top' will ensure the program window remains visible even when switching to another application. This option has no effect if Fraps has been minimized to the system tray. If you'd like Fraps to be loaded when you turn on your machine enable the 'Run Fraps when Windows starts' option.

Fraps also supports separate LCD screens on keyboards such as the Logitech® G15™. If you have a supported keyboard you will see the option to 'Display status on keyboard LCD'.

Enabling this option will allow you to see FPS graphs and other identifiers on the keyboard while playing your games. If you have a G15 but do not see this option then you may need to install the latest G15 drivers available from Logitech's website. Does Fraps have a performance impact on the game? There is a small overhead associated with drawing the framerate on screen. This may vary depending on your system configuration, but should remain relatively minimal. The best way to measure it on your own system is to find a game that allows you to benchmark it and compare the results obtained with and without Fraps loaded. When you are benchmarking the overlay is automatically disabled to provide the most accurate results.

If you are recording a movie with Fraps there can be a noticable impact on the game. This is due to all the extra work involved in saving the screen data to disk. FPS (Frames Per Second) What do the options do? The Overlay Display Hotkey lets you assign a button that will toggle the frame rate counter between the four corners and off. To change the Hotkey, click in the box and type a new key to be assigned this function.

Clicking Disable will stop the Hotkey from having any effect. The Benchmarking Hotkey lets you assign a button that can be used to determine the average frame rate between any two points in a game. To change the Hotkey, click in the box and type a new key to be assigned this function.

Clicking Disable will stop the Hotkey from having any effect. The overlay corner indicates the region of the screen that the framerate counter will be displayed in.

Choose a corner that doesn't obstruct important information in the game's display. If you select Disabled the frame rate counter will not be displayed on screen. Download wolfenstein for pc. Selecting 'Only update overlay once a second' will only change the frame rate counter once a second. Selecting 'Save frame rate to file each second' will output the frame rate once a second to the file FRAPSSEC.TXT in your Fraps directory. This option is deprecated and has been removed in Fraps 2.7.0. Use the detailed FPS statistics option to get individual CSV files for each benchmark run.

The 'Stop benchmark automatically' option allows you to specify a fixed duration for the benchmark. Once the number of seconds has elapsed the benchmark will automatically stop and the results will be written to disk. Apps like microsoft word for mac. Finally, detailed benchmark statistics can also be saved to disk. These are written in standard CSV files that can be imported directly into a spreadsheet. All files are automatically named/timestamped and saved in the benchmarks subdirectory. Currently there are 3 files written for each benchmark when this option is enabled: • FPS - Contains the frame rate value for each second of the benchmark • frametimes - Contains the time (in milliseconds) of every frame that was rendered in the benchmark • minmaxavg - Contains the total frame count, benchmark duration, minimum, maximum, and average frame rate values.

How can I average the framerate between two points? While in the game press the key you assigned to the Benchmarking Hotkey. This will mark the start of where averaging is to take place.

A green box is displayed to let you know that logging has begun, and then the counter is removed for maximum accuracy. When you want to end the benchmark, press the Hotkey again. The average framerate will now be displayed in a red box. Full details are also saved in the file FRAPSLOG.TXT in your Fraps folder, and into the benchmark directory if you have detailed statistics enabled. What is the maximum framerate Fraps will show? Fraps will show a maximum framerate of 9999 fps on screen.

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If you need to know precise framerates above this you must use benchmarking and find out the value from FRAPSLOG.TXT, or from the detailed statistics (if you have this option enabled). Why doesn?t Fraps show above 30fps, 60fps, 75 fps (or any other framerate) in my game? This can be due to several reasons. Many games have internal limits that prevent them rendering faster than a certain framerate. In some cases this can mean they are locked at a maximum framerate of only 30fps. Another possibility is that you have Vsync enabled. Vsync is used to synchronise the output of your graphics card with the display of your monitor.