When I convert it to UTF-8 without bom and close file, the file is again ANSI when I reopen. The easiest solution is to avoid the problem entirely by properly configuring Notepad++. Try Settings -> Preferences -> New document -> Encoding -> choose UTF-8 without BOM, and check Apply to opened ANSI files. How to merge cells in excel for mac 2011.

Here’s the problem (as you’ve apparently already figured out) — using features like Clear Formatting (that button that looks like an eraser in the Font section on the Home tab) doesn’t touch embedded codes like marked citations. And it sounds like your attorneys need a quick lesson on Paste Special, too. Word 2016 for mac won't show the last page of section if it is blank. The two seconds it’ll take them to NOT do CTRL-V will save you a ton of time in not having to clean up after them, WHICH WILL HELP THEM GET WORK OUT THE DOOR FASTER. What I’d recommend is that you select the offending text, use CTRL-X to lift it out of the document, then use Paste Special ) to drop it back in as Unformatted Text. You’ll lose formatting like italics/underline on case names, etc., but it sounds like a small price to pay to get your TOAs/TOCs working correctly.

If you are a web developer, programmer, or just want to quickly and easily convert ANSI-encoded text files to UTF-8 encoded ones, then you should use this smart little freeware. As its name clearly suggests, Ansi to Utf-8 Converter is a simple utility that will quickly convert text files from the ANSI to the UTF-8 encoding. This nice application can load and convert TXT, as well as HTML, PHP and XML files. Another important feature of this simple application is its batch processing capability - it enables you to select, load and convert multiple files at once, just by selecting a directory and the specific file extensions that you want to convert. Ansi to Utf-8 Converter is a very simple-to-use program, with an extremely easy and friendly interface. There are no complicated settings or intricate menus. Just load the files and you may convert their encodings right away.

Convert ansi to utf-8

Text Encode Converter is an easy-to-use application for Windows that can help you convert encode of multiple ansi/ utf-8/ unicode plain text documents to and from any encode, either interactively or in batch mode. Ansi to Utf-8 Converter - smart, neat and friendly application that quickly converts ANSI to the UTF-8 encoding text files. Editor's Description If you are a web developer, programmer, or just want to quickly and easily convert ANSI-encoded text files to UTF-8 encoded ones.

Furthermore, Ansi to Utf-8 Converter is completely free. To sum it all up, if you ever need to convert multiple text files from the ANSI to the UTF-8 encoding at once, try this free tool. 4.8 Scan Report: * * avast!

UTF-8 is not a charset, just an encoding for Unicode. The first 128 characters are the same as ASCII but differ in the high 128 bytes. A byte with the high bit set (or >= 0x80) is an extended character in ASCII while in UTF-8 it indicates the start byte of a multi-byte sequence. That's the case of 0x93 or 0x94 above.

However, I don't see anything strange in the file. Those are or quotes with different forms for opening and closin quotes, which you often see when using a rich text editor such as MS Word Edit The question has edited. I think that's because you have chosen the wrong tool. The encode menu items are for changing the encoding if you have wrong character displays. It just treats the same byte sequence read from disk as another encoding. Since ASCII and UTF-8 are different, you'll have an illformed UTF-8 byte sequence and see the result above.

Summary of Wrike: • Create a Gantt chart: Pass • Create a project overview chart: Fail • Import and export mpp files: Pass • Export PDF’s or shareable project plans: Pass Score: 8. Ms project manager for mac. It delivers the basics well – creating pretty drag and drop Gantt charts with tasks, subtasks, milestones, assigned resources and dependencies to tasks. Smartsheet – Smartsheet’s online project management tool takes some of the most useful features of Project, marries it with the ease of use of an online spreadsheet, and then layers in team collaboration and time-saving automation features. It’s a paid, cloud hosted and web-based system complete with mobile apps which enable some pretty powerful collaborative tools with alerts and reminders as the project timeline changes over time.