Hi, I just stumbled across this via Google; I have started a new job, a small print shop that has a lot of old equipment (some machines still running on OS 9, others on OS X Panther). We have an old Agfa Accuset 800 here, the drivers which run fine in OS 9, but fail to show all the settings in OS X under Acrobat, InDesign, and other apps.

  1. Adobe Agfa Ppd For Mac

Create a table of contents in word 2016 for mac. It seems the answer was in the question. Adobe InDesign REQUIRES a ppd to be version 4.3 The latest ones on the agfa site are 4.2 but there are 4.3 ones on adobes own site at. (Adobe offers the free Adobe Reader for Mac, but I still recommend Preview over Reader because Preview is built into the Mac OS. The only time I would recommend Reader is when you might need to complete a form that someone created in Adobe Acrobat. Adobe PPD Files needs a rating. Word. Be the first to rate this app and get the discussion started! Adobe PPD Files contains PostScript Printer Description (PPD) files that PostScript printer drivers use to print to PostScript devices from Mac and Mac-compatible computers.

What you have linked to is basically new software, which my company is not really ready to purchase at the moment. My question then, is there an updated driver specifically for Agfa's Accuset 800 that will work on OS X via a postscript file sent to Viper 1.5.1. Any help would be MUCH appreciated. The problem is primarily hardware.

Adobe Agfa Ppd For Mac

The Agfa Accuset 800 is a host-based system that requires a card to be installed in your computer as you can see. For the least expensive system, they give you the computer! When you send a job to the Accuset 800, you don't print to a hardware PostScript printer. You print to a software PostSript RIP.

If you were printing to a hardware PostScript printer, the printer's PPD file would be compatible with virtually every version of every OS for which a PostScript driver was available. Unfortunately, software RIPs are OS and RIPkit-specific. The bottomline is that there is no cheap upgrade path to MacOS X.