You have an Outlook 2013 profile with shared mailboxes. When you use 'Send As' from one of the shared mailboxes, the sent email goes into your own sent items, rather than being saved within Sent Items of the shared mailbox. [Update]: This won't work unless you have admin rights on the computer in question (the required registry keys will not be visible), in which case speak to your IT administrator.

See Outlook: After viewing the Outbox, e-mail won't send for applications that cause messages in the Outbox to be marked as read. Wrong or bad password,.

The resolution is as follows: • Open the registry (careful!) by clicking Start > Run > type in 'regedit' [enter] • Drill down to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Office 15.0 Outlook Preferences • Add a DWord called 'DelegateSentItemsStyle'. Give it a value of 1. Restart Outlook.

EDIT: (32 bit users be aware, you will need to create a 32bit DWord equivalent or it won't work! Credit to Mike for this (see comments below).

Outlook For Mac Won

Why Won't Outlook Take My Password

In order to make Deleted items behave in the same way, here's the fix for that. • Open the registry again and this time drill down to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Office 14.0 Outlook Options General • Add a DWORD key 'DelegateWastebasketStyle' value = 4 Hope this removes a headache or two! Did this article help you today?

Outlook Won't Take New Password

Hi guys I recently had this issue, my sent box wasn't being populated when sending from a shared mailbox and it was driving me crazy because we needed the specific mailbox to show what had been sent from *that* mail box. Hallmark card studio for mac crack torrent. I tried the solution suggested above to no avail. Is there a free sims game for mac.

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