I've managed to connect to the 8.1 preview build 9431 with my Mac Remote Desktop Connection. Here's what I did: • Make sure the firewall allows the RDP connection (already stated before) • Open the Management Console (mmc.exe) • Add the 'Local Computer Policy' snap-in • Goto: - Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Remote Desktop Services - Remote Desktop Session Host - Security • Change the following two settings from their default (be aware that there might be a reason that MSFT has decided to set them to default. It might be advisable to revise those settings after a new Mac RDP client has been released) - 'Require use of specific for remote desktop (RDP) connections' from 'Default' to 'Enabled', then select 'RDP' in the options pane - 'Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentications' to 'Disabled' • Restart the 'Remote Desktop Service' or simply restart the computer • Voila! I can use my Mac RDP client 2.1.1 (110309) with Windows 8.1 build 9431. I've managed to connect to the 8.1 preview build 9431 with my Mac Remote Desktop Connection.

Remote desktop connection client

Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Client For Mac Os X 10.8.5. (Remote Desktop Connection for Mac - version 2.1.1), but I cannot I have an issue. Virus protection for mac. Mac OS Windows 8.1, Remote Desktop Connection for Mac, Microsoft Remote. How to Configure Apple Mail, iCal & Address Book Mac OS X. Microsoft Remote Deskop is an effective free tool for managing remote-desktop connections from a Mac. Perfect for those who travel frequently, or those who have a Mac/PC environment at work that. Remote Desktop Connection 2.1.1 - Connect to Windows machines. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate Download, install, or update Remote Desktop Connection for Mac from MacUpdate.

Remote Desktop Connection Client For Mac 2.1.1

Here's what I did: • Make sure the firewall allows the RDP connection (already stated before) • Open the Management Console (mmc.exe) • Add the 'Local Computer Policy' snap-in • Goto: - Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Remote Desktop Services - Remote Desktop Session Host - Security • Change the following two settings from their default (be aware that there might be a reason that MSFT has decided to set them to default. It might be advisable to revise those settings after a new Mac RDP client has been released) - 'Require use of specific for remote desktop (RDP) connections' from 'Default' to 'Enabled', then select 'RDP' in the options pane - 'Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentications' to 'Disabled' • Restart the 'Remote Desktop Service' or simply restart the computer • Voila! I can use my Mac RDP client 2.1.1 (110309) with Windows 8.1 build 9431.