
Word includes a feature that allows you to quickly determine a number of statistics about your document. For instance, you can determine the number of words, sentences, and paragraphs in your document. By default, Word doesn't include anything in footnotes or endnotes in these statistics. But you can specify that text in those areas be included by following these steps: • Choose Word Count from the Tools menu. Word displays the Word Count dialog box.

(See Figure 1.) Figure 1. The Word Count dialog box.• Make sure the Include Footnotes and Endnotes check box is selected. What antivirus for mac uses the least resources 2017. • Review the document statistics, as desired. • Click on Close.

To see word count and other statistics for only part of a document, select the text that you want to check—the count updates to reflect only the selected text. Add the page count to a document You can add a page count to a header, footer, or any other place on a page. Word magically renumbers any remaining footnotes or endnotes. To convert a footnote to an endnote, right-click the footnote’s text at the bottom of the page. Choose the command Convert to Endnote. In Word 2010, why is the Word count visible in the statistics different from the word count I can display for the same document in the directory. In one instance I have 1722 words in the doc. Statistics vs 2160 words in the document's line in the directory. Use it any time you want to do a word count the link I provide has such a blank style, it is called 'word count style', so all you have to do is to download it and move it to your styles.